NOTE/SaveSource19 [SaveSource] Unity Editor Study 에디터는 Asset/Editor/.. 2016. 11. 17. [SaveSource] 만보기소스(펌) using UnityEngine;using System.Collections;using UnityEngine.UI; public class pedo : MonoBehaviour { public Text acc; public MoverMaster mover; public float loLim = 0.005f; // level to fall to the low state public float hiLim = 0.1f; // level to go to high state (and detect step) public int steps = 0; // step counter - counts when comp state goes high private bool stateH = false; // comparator s.. 2016. 11. 9. [Source Save] GyhroCameraMove.cs using System.Collections.Generic;using UnityEngine; class GyroCameraMove : SingleTon{ private bool gyroSupported; private Gyroscope gyro; private Quaternion rotFix; private Transform worldObj; private GameObject mCam; private GameObject camParent; private float startY; private GyroCameraMove() { } public void GyroCamera() { gyroSupported = SystemInfo.supportsGyroscope; mCam = GameObject.FindGame.. 2016. 11. 9. [SaveSource] WebcamTexture public class WebcamBackground : MonoBehaviour { private RawImage image; private WebCamTexture cam; void Start() { image = GetComponent(); cam = new WebCamTexture(Screen.width, Screen.height); image.texture = cam; cam.Play(); } } 2016. 11. 2. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 다음